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By, 13 september 2022

Flour Substitute

It is no secret that most households have been using a certain type of flour for most of their lives. This is usually white or corn flour, as these are some of the most commonly known and used types in cooking and baking. Cooks and households everywhere rely on them for their culinary needs. On top of that, they are the perfect ingredient if you want to create a creamy soup or a stew without changing the entire flavour.

However, there are some cases where people want to try something new, and this is the time they turn to flour substitutes. But, some people feel like they are missing out on the flavour if they turn to something that is out of the ordinary. This could not be farther from the truth. Many of these substitutes are as neutral and healthy as they can get!

This is specifically true about coconut flour!

What is coconut flour?

This is an excellent gluten-free alternative to white flour. Even though it is an alternative, it does not mean that it has all the same properties as the white variety. The fun fact here is that their characteristics are completely different. So, today we will delve a little bit deeper into the subject and look at the differences between the two. 

Now, let’s see how you can benefit from the use of coconut flour!

The differences between coconut flour vs. white flour

There has been a debate over the subject of coconut flour vs. white flour for some time now. Many people say that coconut flour is a great alternative, but others do not agree so much. The main reason for this difference of opinion is that the coconut variety is gluten-free. And for most people, who have used white flour for most of their lives, it comes as a surprising fact. After all, gluten is known to give that familiar softness to bread and dough that we have all learned to love. However, some people are gluten intolerant, and consuming foods that contain white flour can lead to some unwanted effects.

It is a commonly known fact that white flour is filled with gluten – which can be a negative to some. But on the other hand, foods containing coconut flour may lack the fluffiness that the white variety provides.

Now, we move on to the taste – whether we are talking about corn flour substitutes or white flour alternatives, coconut has a specific taste. This noticeable flavour comes from the dried and powdered coconuts, which is how this flour substitute is made. That being said, you need to be careful when using this flour in your recipes since it is packed with taste. 

This means that while it may serve you better in some recipes, it may be overpowering in other dishes. This explains the wide use of white flour since it is completely neutral in flavour.

Next, we come to the nutritional values. There is a significant difference when we talk about the nutrients found in coconut flour vs. white flour. Coconut flour is filled with protein, fibre, and minerals, especially potassium and iron. On the other hand, white flour gets its colour because of how processed it is. Since the creation of the white option is quite a complicated process, it means the flour is stripped from all of its nutrients and natural properties – especially the fibres; before it is bagged up. So, however you try to enrich it, it will not gain back all the nutritional values it has lost.

Finally, in terms of recipes, each type of flour acts very differently. Everyone is familiar with the properties of white flour and its ratio to water, but with the coconut variety, as a flour substitute, your recipes will need to be altered. Interestingly, when used in a recipe, it absorbs a lot more liquid than the usual flour does. So, next time you decide to use it, be mindful of this fact.

Can you make a flour substitute for a certain recipe?

Depending on the recipe you want to make, there are many cases where you can use coconut flour. Whether you are thinking about a white flour substitute or a corn flour substitute, it can be done. However, as we just mentioned earlier, coconut flour is much more absorbent, so be mindful whenever you are adding liquids or eggs to a recipe containing this type. 

You may even end up changing the entire recipe just for the sake of adding this flavourful flour to it. So, instead of following the recipe exactly, make sure to make the batter moist enough so the final product will be soft and tasty. And if you notice that your dough is crumbling, then it might be because there is not enough liquid in it.

How to determine when to use coconut and when to use white flour?

When it comes to flour substitutes, using coconut flour is the best option that you can choose. Because it is gluten-free, you will be able to enjoy some pastries and baked goods without the possibility of flaring up your gluten intolerance. Plus, since it is a versatile product, you can enjoy it in both sweet and savoury dishes. Even though there is a distinct taste to it, using it will not cause an imbalance in the taste. Cookies, muffins, or sweet bread – there are plenty of options for you!

Coconut flour is an excellent way to add some extra healthiness to your recipes. As we have seen today, this is an ingredient that you should use if you want to create some incredible baked goods where you don’t need that extra fluffiness. It is considered to be one of the best flour substitutes, and it definitely brings a lot to the table. All you need to do is step out of your comfort zone and give this new experience a taste – we can guarantee you are going to love it!

We are happy to tend to your flour substitute needs! All you need to do is create an account on our site and start enjoying our products. Make your order today and unveil the world of coconut products – you will be amazed by them!

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